If you wish to take part in the cross-promotion manually, you'll need to head over to [Dove's Facebook page][5] and click on the link at the bottom of the left-hand column that says "The Sims Social." From there, click on "Get Spa," and you'll be taken to Sims Social proper, where you'll receive your free prize. On the other hand, if you just want the Spa and don't want to go through the extra step, you can also [**click right here**][6] to get your own Dove Hair Spa.
If you do go to Dove's fan page, you'll also see that the Dove cross-promotion isn't stopping at just this. "Coming Soon" are an entire Dove Hair Suite line of items, along with something that will allow us to "Get Inspired with Dove Hair." We'll of course share more details about those two features as we learn them. In the meantime, make sure to claim your free Hair Spa before the link actually does expire for good!
Were you able to get the link to work to claim your free Dove Hair Spa? What sorts of items do you hope are released as part of the other two upcoming Dove cross-promotions? Sound off in the comments.**
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