Monday, January 30, 2012

CityVille Airports: Everything you need to know

![][1] Earlier this month, we learned that [CityVille][2] would soon receive an opportunity for international travel via [airports][3], and the time has finally come for those flights to start taking off to far off lands. That's right, the airport is now available to build in your city (that is, so long as you're Level 30 or above in the game).

First things first, this airport is massive! I mean it, it's huge! It takes up a full 12x12 square space of land, so you can kiss an entire land expansion goodbye if you want air travel in your city. If you decide the return is worth the land space, you'll have a massive structure to finish, requiring five loads of building materials:

* 13 Radar Displays
* 13 Baggage X-Rays
* 12 Info Kiosks
* 13 Forklifts
* 13 Cargo Ramps

These items are, as usual, earned through a combination of individual requests sent to friends and general news items posted to your wall. As we predicted in our sneak peek of the feature, once you have completed your airport, you'll be able to purchase planes that can be sent out for Goods, similar to Ships being sent from your dock. There are currently three kinds of planes available to purchase, with your airport having four slots to hold these planes.

* CV Air Cargo - 100,000 coins
* CV Cloud Cargo - 500,000 coins - 5% Bonus Goods Payout
* CV Sky Cargo - 50 City Cash - 20% Bonus Goods Payout

Each plane can be sent to a different destination, or you can send them all in bulk. There are locations like London, Paris, Barcelona and so on, with each coming with its own route mastery and mastery souvenirs. For instance, it looks like the London Eye will be available to win via the London route, while we know that a building called the Obra Maestra will be received for completing Level 3 of Barcelona Cargo mastery. Of course, each route has a different travel time, with the Paris Route taking just five minutes and bringing back 50 Goods per plane sent, as an example.

Overall, you can only have one airport in your entire city, but as the in-game text specifically says that this stage will just see us building the "Cargo Terminal" of our airport, it looks like the feature will grow in size (and hopefully usefulness) over time. We'll make sure to let you know if and when those additional upgrades come, so keep checking back with us!

[Via and Image Credit: [CityVille Forums / Zynga][4]]
What do you think of the CityVille Airport? Will you immediately dedicate that huge amount of space to this feature, or will you wait until you've purchased a few more expansions for your town? Sound off in the comments.**

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