Friday, January 27, 2012

Adventure World Storage Shed: Everything you need to know

![][1] While the last few weeks have been pretty generous in Adventure World, giving us plenty of items to use in decorating our Base Camps, what if you're tired of looking at a few items (say, those Christmas-themed items that simply don't apply anymore). Well, you wouldn't want to delete them, since you may never have a chance to have them again, so why not store them? Oh, right, the game won't let you... at least, not for much longer. That's right, a storage shed is coming to Adventure World!

While the Storage Shed isn't available to all players just yet, we do have the details for what you'll need to do to build one, courtesy of [Zynga's official Adventure World blog][2]. You'll need to purchase the Storage Shed from the buildings section of the store, and will then need to ask your friends to send you building ingredients.

* 4 Corrugated Walls
* 4 Roof Panels
* 4 Work Lights
* 4 Door Hinges
* 4 Lock Hinges
* 4 Electric Cables

Once you've collected these first items, you'll be able to store 10 items in your Storage Shed. You can add items to it by clicking on the new "Store" icon and then choosing the particular decorations that you want to store. You'll be able to upgrade the Storage Shed (presumably by collecting more and more building ingredients), eventually taking the building's maximum storage capacity to 100 individual items. While this does include the [Christmas Holiday Tree][3], we've been warned that not all individual items can be stored. Those items will be the exception, however, and not the rule.

Just keep looking out for this new Storage Shed in your own game, as it will apparently launch to all users pretty soon.

**Are you excited to be able to finally store items in Adventure World, or do you like keeping everything out to remind you of your adventures with the game? Sound off in the comments.**

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