"Their skills in game design, emerging technologies and proficiency in making the transition from 2D to 3D on consoles mesh perfectly with Kabam's strategy," Kabam CEO Kevin Chou said in a release. "We'll significantly strengthen our industry leadership as the online gaming market transitions to higher fidelity, 3D gameplay with our acquisition of Fearless Studios."
The entire Fearless Studio team--led by founders Haden Blackman and Cedrick Collomb--will join Kabam in its San Francisco office. Blackman's best known for his contributions to LucasArts, namely the Star Wars: The Force Unleashed series for consoles. At one time, Fearless Studios had six games in the works, though none of them saw release.
Whether Kabam will pick those games up is unknown save for one: Kabam's VP of brand marketing and communications, Ted Simon, told [Inside Social Games][6] that the company will not resume development on an unannounced horror game. Kabam still isn't interested in console games, but rather using Fearless' 3D expertise to bring more visually-impressive social games to social networks like Hives and VZNet. Between this 3D push and [bringing its games to the desktop][7], Kabam looks to up the ante where "hardcore" games are concerned.
[Image Credit: [DesignYouTrust][8]]
**Are you a fan of Kabam's games on Facebook? Do you think 3D will eventually take on social game platforms? Sound off in the comments. [Add Comment.][9]**
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