**Build an Airport! **
* Complete the Cargo Terminal of your Airport
* Unload from 5 London Cargo Planes
* Ask friends for 15 Cargo Nets
To build your Airport, you'll need to collect five bundles of 13 ingredients each, and you find our [full guide on building your airport right here][2]. As for the Cargo Nets, they are earned through a general news post on your wall. Finally, the London Cargo route costs 400 coins and takes one day to return. You'll receive 455 Goods by default for each plane you send on that route. When you finish this goal, you'll receive a Ramp Agent decoration. It offers just a 2% payout bonus to surrounding items.
Send Planes to Master Routes!**
* Ask friends for 20 Navigation Beacons
* Master London Cargo to 1 Star
* Supply Goods to 80 Businesses
The London Cargo route requires 50 "harvests" to reach Level 1 of mastery. Considering the current limit that you can only have four planes in your airport at once, this might take you quite a bit of time to achieve. When you do finally finish this goal, you'll receive a Baggage Carrying Cart, another decoration that offers a 4% payout bonus.
Run Your Airport**
* Ask friends for 25 Pilot Caps
* Master London Cargo to 2 Stars
* Raise Population by 1,000
Keep in mind that it might be possible to skip this population requirement if you store homes allowing 1,000 citizens before you start this goal. Once the goal starts, pull these homes back of our storage and you will, in theory, pass the task. Meanwhile, Level 2 of London Cargo mastery comes at 150 harvests, making this an even more time consuming goal than the last. If you can push through and finally finish, you'll receive the Air Traffic Control Tower, yet another decoration that offers a 6% payout bonus to other items.
**Travel the World**
* Master London Cargo to 3 Stars
* Collect from 50 Businesses
* Collect from 15 Hotels
For the final level of London Cargo mastery, you'll need to harvest the route 300 times. When you finish this final goal in the airport series, you'll receive a Vintage Cargo Hanger, a building that can store 5,000 Goods, adding that amount to your overall maximum Goods storage.
Since the requirements for these goals are pretty steep (especially where the London Cargo tasks are concerned), I wouldn't be surprised if they were changed as more users unlock them. Just keep in mind that Zynga has been known to change things in the past, so don't worry if you see in-game stats that are different from those listed here. We'll do our best to stay on top of things and will update this space if and when that becomes necessary.
[Via [CityVille Wiki][4]]
**What do you think of the requirements or prizes in these airport goals? Is it worth completing all four of them, or do they simply ask too much of us? Share your thoughts on this feature with us in the comments!**
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[1]: http://o.aolcdn.com/dims/GAME/5/168/168/100/http://www.blogcdn.com/blog.games.com/media/2012/01/airports-1327973222.jpeg
[2]: http://blog.games.com/2012/01/30/cityville-airports-now-available/
[3]: http://blog.games.com/category/cityville/
[4]: http://cityville.wikia.com/wiki/CityVille_Wiki
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