"Since 2002, we've strived to bring high-quality games and experiences to the widest possible audience," Bigpoint CEO and founder Heiko Hubertz said in a release. "With players hailing from every corner of the globe, today's milestone underscores our success - and we're not done. We'll continue to challenge the notion of what online games are and can be."
Keep in mind, however, that this figure specifically refers to "registered players," which may not equate to, say, monthly or daily players. Regardless of whether all of those registered are currently playing Bigpoint games, it's quite the feat. Bigpoint also claims to attract over 250,000 new players to its most popular games daily.
Bigpoint says that it introduced us Americans to what's now become a free-to-play craze in 2002 with a game developed personally by Hubertz, IceFighter. The company has since launched over 60 games ranging from casual releases like Farmerama to more "hardcore" games, such as sci-fi MMO (massively multiplayer online game) Dark Orbit. And Bigpoint plans to release even more games based on major Hollywood franchises in 2012. Between Bigpoint and the likes of [Spil Games][4], [wooga][5], and [King.com][6], it's clear that Western social gaming has swept both coasts of the Atlantic.
**Are you a fan of Bigpoint's games? What types of games would you like to see the company release more of: action-packed or casual? Sound off in the comments. [Add Comment.][7]**
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[2]: http://blog.games.com/2011/05/17/top-five-free-to-play-browser-mmos/
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