While we've seen plenty of land expansions released in [Pioneer Trail][2] since the game launched as FrontierVille last year, if you're still not satisfied with the amount of room you have available for your Homestead, and have plenty of Horseshoes on hand to rectify that situation, you can now purchase the Monumental Homestead land expansion from the game's store.
This land expansion takes your property to 43x43, and costs 280 Horseshoes to purchase. That's a ton of money (even if you purchase Horseshoes on their usual 40-50% off sale prices), and there are no missions currently available as of this writing that allow you to earn it for free. Then again, this has been the case with previous land expansions, giving users a chance to purchase them outright for a short time before letting everyone else in after completing a set of normally extremely difficult (or at least time-consuming) goals.
Just how long will we have to wait for a "free" option for this new Homestead expansion? Only Zynga knows that particular detail for sure, but we'll keep an eye on things and will let you know when you can go after that extra space (and those Mystery Crates) just as soon as you can.
**Will you splurge on this land expansion using Horseshoes, or will you wait for the free option to launch in the store? Sound off in the comments.**
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