We've done it adventurers! We've made it to the final day of Expeditions in [Adventure World][2]'s [12 Days of Adventure][3] event! This Expedition will test your patience, or at least thoroughness, as you're given a option: either clear 12 sets of Spike Traps by interacting with their statues in an underground cave network, or simply set them off and clear them out of the way for a more direct route to your final destination. Whatever option you choose, this Expedition will see you facing spiders and spending quite a bit of energy along the way.
**Day 12: Twelve Spikey Traps**
* Ask friends for 12 Chocolate Drops
* Place Chocolate Drops in Holiday Boxes
* Disarm or Clear 12 Sets of Spike Traps
The 12 Chocolate Drops are earned by posting a general news item to your wall. While you're waiting for your friends to help out, you'll need to navigate various levels of the cave, either ignoring the Spike Trap triggers or clearing everything out of the way (including debris) as you go along.
When you finish this Expedition, you'll receive a Fruitcake energy item worth 30 energy. You'll also receive a Gingerbread Temple at this point, but only if you've finished Expeditions 7-12 in their entirety beforehand. If you're still working on one or more of the events in the bottom row, you'll need to finish them all off before the ultimate prize is awarded. Good luck!
**[Check out the rest of our Holiday 2011 coverage right here.][4]
Are you excited to finish off this 12 Days of Adventure event, or are you still a long way away from doing so? Sound off in the comments.**
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[2]: http://blog.games.com/category/adventure-world/
[3]: http://blog.games.com/tag/adventure+world+christmas/
[4]: http://blog.games.com/2011/12/06/christmas-cityville-farmville-sims-social-facebook/
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