What will you spend your money on? Well, you can splurge on some "AttheParty" chairs in the New Year's Eve theme proper, or you could even use that money to help you open up a new land expansion in your game. After all, with so many new items being released every week in the game's store, you can always use more space to actually hold it all, right?
For the record, if you haven't received the email containing these free Simoleons, you can [**click on this link right here**][4] to claim them manually. If the link doesn't work for you, it could be expired, but we'll make sure to update this space if we see that's the case.
What will you spend your free 2,012 Simoleons on? Are you saving up for a larger purchase that this won't cover, or will you immediately go on a shopping spree? Sound off in the comments.**
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