Tuesday, December 27, 2011

CityVille Custom Car Shop: Everything you need to know

![][1] If you've already built your [Garage][2] in [CityVille][3] and appreciate seeing cars drive around on your town's roads, you'll be even happier to learn that a new Custom Car Shop feature has just been launched in the game. This Custom Car Shop is available to users Level 27 and above, and it will trigger the appearance of cars in your town if you don't already have a Garage. Just keep in mind that you're required to have a Garage to complete goals within the game that add more unique vehicles to your roads.

The Custom Car Shop itself can be built using 35 building materials:

* 7 Car Manuals
* 7 Car Blueprints
* 7 Fabrication Tools
* 7 Clay Models
* 7 CAD Computers

The Car Manuals, Clay Models and CAD Computers come from general news items you'll post on your feed while the Car Blueprints and Fabrication Tools are earned by asking your friends to send them to you via individual requests. Once the Custom Car Shop is finished, you'll be able to build four styles of cars and customize them to your liking. You can build CV Buses, Torques, Scorches and Police Motorcycles. Depending on the type of car you customize and build, your city will have different boosts. The Torque model, for instance, fills businesses 12x faster than normal. Of course, customizing a car isn't a simple process, so you'll need to collect even more parts from friends.

For the Torque model, for instance, you'll need to collect items like GPS units and Tires. Some of these items can be earned by asking your friends for them as normal, while others are earned by clicking on cars that are already driving around on your roads. Once a car model is built, you won't be able to build any more of that particular style, but they will continue to spawn along with other car types when you collect from businesses in your town. There are more styles that will be added to the game in the future (at least four more), but we haven't been given the specifics of those models just yet. Keep checking back - we'll make sure to let you know when we do!

**Are you excited to be able to add different cars to your city? Which of the four styles of cars will you build first? Sound off in the comments.**

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[1]: http://o.aolcdn.com/dims/GAME/5/168/168/100/http://www.blogcdn.com/blog.games.com/media/2011/12/carshop.png
[2]: http://blog.games.com/2011/11/29/cityville-garage-cars-guide/
[3]: http://blog.games.com/category/cityville/
[4]: http://blog.games.com/2011/12/27/cityville-custom-car-shop/ (Permanent link to this entry)
[5]: http://blog.games.com/forward/20136212/ (Send this entry to a friend via email)
[6]: http://www.technorati.com/cosmos/search.html?rank=&fc=1&url=http://blog.games.com/2011/12/27/cityville-custom-car-shop/ (Linking Blogs)
[7]: http://blog.games.com/2011/12/27/cityville-custom-car-shop/#comments (View reader comments on this entry)
[8]: http://feeds.feedburner.com/~ff/LarrysCorner?d=qj6IDK7rITs
[9]: http://feeds.feedburner.com/~ff/LarrysCorner?a=c-odz79VbTE:1NmZzEZQcAU:qj6IDK7rITs
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