Purple Willow Tree - 6 Farm Cash
Yellow Juniper Tree - 8 Farm Cash
Pink Magnolia Tree - 14 Farm Cash
Yellow Rowan Tree - 12 Farm Cash
The Purple Willow and Yellow Juniper Trees are the Level 1 trees here, with the Purple Willow Tree making seedlings for the Yellow Rowan Tree, and the Yellow Juniper Tree making seedlings for - wait for it - the Pink Magnolia tree. Hard to guess that, huh? At any rate, the same fact applies here as elsewhere with trees in FarmVille: if you are only interested in mastery signs, you don't need to purchase either of the more expensive trees, as they'll come for free from Mystery Seedlings, but there is no other way (as of this writing) to earn the cheaper trees other than purchasing them outright.
Green Caroling Horse - 30 Farm Cash
Ok, so the Green Caroling Horse isn't exactly in the Winter Holiday theme, but it should be. This Green Caroling horse is a dark brown horse with green and white accessories, while another Caroling Horse exists in the game with a lighter coat.
As of this writing, the Green Caroling horse has no time limit for expiring from the store, as it hasn't been placed in a limited edition theme. However, the trees will be gone after the next 12 days. If you have a bit of time to play FarmVille before heading offline for Christmas this weekend, make sure to purchase the items you want before you forget when coming back.
][4]**[Check out the rest of our Holiday 2011 coverage right here.][4]
Will you purchase any of these "repainted" items in FarmVille? Let us know which ones (if any) in the comments!**
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