We're getting down to the nitty gritty here, adventurers. We're on the eighth day of Expeditions in [Adventure World][2]'s [12 Days of Adventure][3] series, with Day 8 being called "Eight Sloths-a-Milking." This one takes us back to a relatively small map (all things considered) in the jungle, and it can be accessed at any time, regardless of how many other Expeditions you also happen to be working on. This one will of course take longer to complete, as you'll need to interact with eight different items, rather than the smaller numbers we've seen before, but it's still nothing overly complicated.
**Day 8: Eight Sloths-a-Milking**
* Ask friends for 8 Bags of Shredded Coconut
* Place 8 Bags of Shredded Coconut in Holiday Boxes
* Gather 8 Bottles of Warm Milk
* Feed Warm Milk to the 8 Sleepy Sloths
First things first - the Bags of Shredded Coconut can be earned by sending out individual requests to your friends. From there, you'll go back into this map and place those bags into the green and yellow gift boxes scattered around the map. As for the Bottles of Warm Milk, you'll find those yourself by clearing out pathways around the map by removing debris and defeating Snakes along the way. You'll find two Milk Crates in camp sites at the four corners of the map, along with crates covered in ribbon that are voluntary, but contain coins and experience points if you choose to spend the energy to open them up. As you start collecting the Milk, simply feed it to the Sloths around the map as you continue along.
When you finish this particular Expedition, you'll receive a pair of Santa Pants that your avatar can wear. Even though there's more to this one, it should be easier since you've sent out individual requests to friends (which in my experience are better for larger amounts of items). Hopefully, you'll have enough friends that haven't already taken off on holiday trips to actually help you out. Good luck!
**[Check out the rest of our Holiday 2011 coverage right here.][4]
What do you think of this eighth Expedition in the 12 Days of Adventure series? Sound off in the comments.**
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