We've turned a corner, adventurers! We're past the halfway point of the [12 Days of Adventure][2] event in [Adventure World][3], but there are still plenty of Expeditions left, rewarding free prizes up until Christmas. For Day 7, this Expedition is called "Seven Rams-a-Ramming," and it contains - wait for it - Rams! You'll be able to jump into this newest Expedition whenever you'd like, even if you're still working on previous Expeditions in this event or elsewhere, so don't worry about multi-tasking. Here's how to get started.
**Day 7: Seven Rams-a-Ramming**
* Ask Friends for 7 Bags of Powdered Sugar
* Place 7 Bags of Powdered Sugar in Holiday Boxes
* Defeat 7 Rams
The Bags of Powdered Sugar are earned through a general news item you'll post on your wall, asking all friends to help you out. Once you have them, you'll need to travel around these rocky cliffs placing the items inside green and yellow gift boxes. If you've played other Expeditions in this 12 Days of Adventure event, you'll already be incredibly familiar with the concept. As for the Rams, these are found behind debris like Bushes and Shrubs, and each has seven Hit Points. Depending on how far you've upgraded your whip, each can take a lot of energy to defeat, as you may need to attack each three or more times, along with losing a few energy points when they counter-attack.
We assumed that these Expeditions would become harder as we went along, and that's definitely the case here. Well, perhaps "harder" isn't the word; time and energy consuming, however, definitely describes this one accurately. When you do finish this Expedition, you'll receive a Monkey Carolers decoration for your Base Camp.
**[Check out the rest of our Holiday 2011 coverage right here.][4]
How are you handling all of these 12 Days of Adventure expeditions at once? Have you already completed a few? Sound off in the comments.**
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