Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Zynga CEO Mark Pincus: 'I'm in this for the rest of my career'


Let that be whatever it means to you: a blessing or a warning, a profession of faith or an omen. The fact is that [Zynga][2] founder and CEO [Mark Pincus][3] is in this for the long haul, and he has big plans not just for his company, but for the social gaming world on the whole. And judging from [his exhaustive interview with GamesIndustry][4], that's just the way Pincus thinks now.

"Look, I'm in this for the rest of my career ... except I'm in social gaming instead of traditional gaming, and it's only been five years, but I want to build something, and I want to build these relationships with players, with developers, something that stands the test of time and is really important and valuable," Pincus told GamesIndustry. "I'm inspired by the way that Jeff Bezos has made that kind of reliable, consistent investment with Amazon, you feel it. There's just something that's so rock-solid about Amazon, from 360 degrees it's rock-solid. It's become a permanent part of the landscape. I would bet it's going to be there in ten years."

With an attitude like that, it's easy to imagine that Pincus has been thinking this way for far longer. So, what exactly does the CEO have in mind for Zynga in the next five or 10 years? Mobile, mobile ... and _more mobile_.

"Part of the opportunity for all of us over the next five years is how do we package those up in a way that can fit in this form factor [Pincus points to smartphone] of a very small screen, small attention span, and someone who's not going to read instructions, not going to do tutorials, and it's got to have a very, very light, soft on-ramp but have a lot of depth of where that experience can go," Pincus said. "I think the opportunity is to continue to innovate - it's a new kind of innovation." Check the extensive interview in full [right here][4].

**Are you comforted or worried by Pincus's dedication to Zynga? Do you see mobile as the future of social/casual games? Sound off in the comments. [Add Comment.][5]**

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