Tuesday, July 31, 2012

The Dictator: Wadiyan Games (iPad) Review


We've come to expect a mobile tie-in for upcoming films, and [The Dictator: Wadiyan Games][2] is no exception given Sacha Baron Cohen's (Ali G, Bruno etc) soon-to-be-released comedy The Dictator. Paying another nod to this summer's London Olympics, Wadiyan Games sees our president fighting unfairly across a series of sporting events.

There are two events provided with the free download: running and boxing. In the former, President Aladeen runs through three separate heats of sprints. Being the most powerful man in the land, he's of course armed with a pistol with which to take down his competitors. Later rounds have him armed with a machine-gun while riding one of those ridiculous Segway machines, or firing rockets from a gold-plated SUV.

[This section evolves the running event featured in the film trailer.][2]

Similarly, the boxing starts off with a knuckle-duster-wielding Aladeen facing off against a rather vulnerable opponent. As circles appear on your victim, you need to tap the screen to score points. Once the first heat's over, the president adopts the safety of a robotic mech-suit while taking swipes at his opponent with metallic bear claws. Ouch.

The style of the game is rather South Park-esque with its crude animations, and the sound relies on various soundbites from the upcoming film. As you might imagine, these can become a little wearisome once you've heard them a few times, but they're fun for the first blast through the game.

[The commentary becomes repetitive rather quickly.][2]

The initial offering is free and enjoyable enough in itself, although we'll be surprised if people feel motivated enough to stump up the rather optimistic $0.99 required for _each_ of the two other sports offered up in the in-game store. These consist of swimming and fencing events, and we've no doubt they'll follow the rather thin gameplay setup of the free content.

[You'll need to pay extra for the fencing and swimming events.][2]

Very much more of an advertorial than an outright game, it's hard to muster up a great deal of enthusiasm for The Dictator, even if it's fun for a few fleeting moments. Die-hard fans of Cohen's films will no doubt get a bigger thrill out of this gaming version of his latest comedy, but for everyone else it's a bit of a throwaway experience.

**Score: **

**What's Hot: **Some amusing takes on film clips we've already seen. Entertaining.

**What's Not: **The humor starts to become repetitive rather quickly. A concept stretched a little too thin.

This article originally appeared on [Modojo.com][3].

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[1]: http://o.aolcdn.com/dims/GAME/5/168/168/100/http://www.blogcdn.com/blog.games.com/media/2012/07/welcome-to-the-dictator-wadiyan-games-where-cheating-is-winningte-ho0-1343753550.jpg
[2]: http://www.modojo.com/games/ipad/the_dictator_wadiyan_games/media/
[3]: http://modojo.com
[4]: http://blog.games.com/2012/07/31/the-dictator-wadiyan-games-ipad-review/ (Permanent link to this entry)
[5]: http://blog.games.com/forward/20290019/ (Send this entry to a friend via email)
[6]: http://www.technorati.com/cosmos/search.html?rank=&fc=1&url=http://blog.games.com/2012/07/31/the-dictator-wadiyan-games-ipad-review/ (Linking Blogs)
[7]: http://blog.games.com/2012/07/31/the-dictator-wadiyan-games-ipad-review/#comments (View reader comments on this entry)
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