Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Atari wants you to create the best Pong game there ever was for iOS

![][1] Well, maybe not you specifically, but [Atari][2] has challenged independent game developers to craft their take on what would be the very best version of Pong for iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch. Atari will give would-be star game makers until Aug. 2 to craft a winning Pong game for iOS. The reward? How does $100,000 and a game development contract with Atari sound?

[The Pong Indie Developer Challenge][3] will take indie game developers through the gauntlet. After all design document submissions are entered to Atari on March 31, the company--with the help of Atari founder Nolan Bushnell, [Pocket God][4] maker Dave Castelnuovo and TUAW's Mike Schramm--will decide upon a number of semi-finalists, finalists and ultimately the winner on Aug. 2.

By then, finalists will have to provide at least an alpha version of the game. In short, we have a ways to go before we see the ultimate touch rendition of Pong. It's interesting to see Atari take this approach to making the perfect Pong game for iOS devices. Frankly, it shows that Atari knows that it has no room for slip-ups in this release. Atari's official Pong game for iPhone has to be everything long-time fans would want and more. But really, [how hard could it be][5]? It's just Pong.

[Via [Mashable][6]]

**Are you willing to wait until August to see what the indie game scene can come up with as the very best Pong game for iOS? Sound off in the comments. [Add Comment.][7]**

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[1]: http://o.aolcdn.com/dims/GAME/5/168/168/100/http://www.blogcdn.com/blog.games.com/media/2012/02/pong-machine.jpg
[2]: http://blog.games.com/tag/atari
[3]: http://www.atari.com/pongdeveloperchallenge
[4]: http://blog.games.com/tag/pocket+god
[5]: http://blog.games.com/2011/12/15/breakout-boost-iphone-preview/
[6]: http://mashable.com/2012/02/28/atari-pong-contest/
[7]: http://blog.games.com/2012/02/28/pong-iphone-ipad-atari-game-contest/#disqus_thread
[8]: http://blog.games.com/2012/02/28/pong-iphone-ipad-atari-game-contest/ (Permanent link to this entry)
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[10]: http://www.technorati.com/cosmos/search.html?rank=&fc=1&url=http://blog.games.com/2012/02/28/pong-iphone-ipad-atari-game-contest/ (Linking Blogs)
[11]: http://blog.games.com/2012/02/28/pong-iphone-ipad-atari-game-contest/#comments (View reader comments on this entry)
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