Thursday, March 29, 2012

Pioneer Trail Family Reunion BBQ: Everything you need to know


Just a couple of weeks ago, [Zynga][2] kicked off the [Family Tree / Family Reunion][3] feature in [Pioneer Trail][4], but even if you haven't had a chance to finish it off, there's already an additional feature within the same theme to complete on your Homestead: the Family Reunion BBQ.

The Family Reunion BBQ is available to users level 15 and above, and it introduces a new tree, crop and cow to the game, along with the ability to craft a new Ultimate Chili that grants you 200 energy. This feature revolves around building a new BBQ on your Homestead so that everyone can come together and enjoy a great home-cooked meal, and you'll need to complete some goals along the way.

**Reunion Runaround**

* Place the Frontier BBQ
* Craft 8 Cajun Peas
* Prepare the Reunion

"Preparing the Reunion" really translates into finishing the first stage of the Frontier BBQ's construction, as this is a complex building project that will become larger and more difficult to build as you go along. You'll need to ask your friends for help along the way, so make sure to make use of your daily requests to friends! For finishing this first goal, you'll receive 200 XP, 200 coins and two Angus Cows (this is the new Cow I spoke of earlier).


* Tend 10 Adult Angus Cows
* Craft 6 Mushroom Cream Sauce
* Help Make Chili Recipes

For this goal, you'll need to finish the second phase of the BBQ's construction, and will need to grow those Angus Cows you just won in the goal above to adulthood and feed them each five times (or purchase more from the store for Horseshoes). When you complete this second goal, you'll receive 400 XP, 400 coins and two Olive Trees.

**Tasting Time!**

* Tend 25 Olive Trees
* Craft 6 Stuffed Turkeys
* Serve the Chili

As you might have guessed, the "Serve the Chili" task really means that you'll need to complete the third upgrade on the BBQ, while the Olive Trees can be those that you just received at the end of the Cookoff! goal, or those that you've purchase from the store for Horseshoes (10 Horseshoes each, as of this writing). For completing this goal, you'll earn 600 XP, 600 coins and will unlock the Kidney Beans crop in the store. I'll give you one guess as to what we have to do next...

**Ultimate Chili!**

* Harvest 100 Kidney Beans
* Craft 6 Bowls of Punch
* Create the Prototype Chili Recipe

This goal requires you to complete the final stage of the Frontier BBQ, and, as I alluded to above, plant a bunch of the Kidney Beans that you just unlocked. Luckily, Kidney Beans only take 12 minutes to grow and cost 23 coins per square. You'll gain 30 coins and two XP per square you harvest. With these stats, it shouldn't take you long to reach the required number of 100 harvests. Regardless of how long it takes you to complete this final goal in the Frontier BBQ series, you'll receive the same rewards in the end: 800 XP, 800 coins, and the ability to craft the Ultimate Chili - the prize I mentioned before that allows you to earn 200 energy for use on your Homestead!

There doesn't look to be a time limit on how long you'll have to complete these goals in your game as of this writing, but we'll make sure to update this space if and when time becomes an issue.

[Via and image credit: [Zynga][5]]

**What do you think of this Frontier BBQ feature? Had you already finished working on the Family Tree feature on your Homestead? Are the multitude of goals released each week too much to handle? Sound off in the comments.**

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