Thursday, March 1, 2012

When Are Your Facebook Commerce Profits Biggest?

If you manage a Facebook page for a company that sells things online, do you know which of your Facebook posts are getting [the most sales][1]? Which posts aren't working? Which days do posts bring in the most sales?

I would bet that most ecommerce companies using Facebook don't know that information.

If you do want to find out, try [Campalyst][2]. These guys debuted their tool in Europe and are now trying to get the word out in the U.S.

Campalyst has some cool features I haven't seen anywhere else. You can map out your entire Facebook-to-website conversion funnel with it.


It works by tying your Facebook posts to your Google Analytics account. And in order to do that, you do have to post using Campalyst's publishing tool. But can publish to both Facebook and Twitter from the same window.

Note that you need to be using an e-commerce website with Google Analytics for this. Considering that [the data on ecommerce Facebook tabs isn't favorable][4] right now, that's probably a good thing to be doing anyway.

# Are Your Facebook Sales Twice As High On Fridays?

Campalyst has sent me a few case studies. The most impressive one features a Lithuanian daily deals site.

The site used Campalyst to post twice a day, 170 posts, from August to December, 2011.

Here's what Campalyst's reporting told the Lithuanian daily deals site.

# Best Day Of The Week For Sales And Likes

Posts on Wednesdays were most liked; posts on Fridays were most commented upon; posts on Fridays garnered 1.9 times the average amount of sales; when they posted every other day, sales were 2.2 times higher. The days of greatest interaction are not the days of highest sales.

How can you use information like this? You might not want to post something sales-oriented every day.

Put conversation-starting posts the other days of the week to improve your visibility to fans.

Even if you're selling every day, if there are certain items you need to sell more of than others, this tells you which days to feature them.

# Viral Sharing Sales: Fans Selling For You

The reports showed that 23 percent of sales came from fans sharing posts on their own walls. You might experiment with asking people to share and see how that affects shares and sales. ![][5]

You might incentivize sharing based on [Extole's case studies][6].

# Relationship Between Likes On Posts And Sales

****More likes on a post led to more sales, but only up to three likes -- beyond that, there was no further boost to sales.

This is interesting: Although it's generally thought that getting more likes makes you more visible, this happens over long periods of time.

The Campalyst results suggest that maybe you don't have to make a post particularly interactive in order to get sales.

# Giveaways And Sales

****Sales per post were lower during a period when a giveaway of a different product was going on. So, try not to distract your prospects.

Besides, giveaways are fraught with down sides: You can attract freebie seekers and lower the value of your Facebook page.

# Conclusion

I would be surprised if every business had the same data. Your sales might be best on Thursday. Who knows?

That's why you need tracking like this. Get it (there's a 30-day free trial), and figure out what's going on with your social media ecommerce, then optimize it!

__Brian Carter is author of _[The Like Economy: How Businesses Make Money on Facebook][7]_.

_Lead image courtesy of [Shutterstock][8]._


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[5]: (facebookmoney)


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