Pages with between one million and ten million fans may see mixed results, while the pages with over ten million fans will see engagement figures go down [as a result of timeline upgrades][3].
That's assuming we've got an accurate omen in the study by Wildfire of 43 brands' [timeline pages][4] from January 18 through March 23 of this year; 45 percent of the study group had under one million fans, 40 percent had between one million and ten million, and the remaining 15 percent had greater than 10 million fans.
[Brand pages][5] with over 10 million fans have seen a reduction in their engagement metrics, as pages with fewer than one million fans show the biggest boost in performance from upgrading to timeline, with photos and videos getting the biggest lift.
Brands with under a million fans account for 85 percent of the organizational pages on Facebook, so it seems rather fortuitous that this group would have the biggest engagement growth rates from [timeline upgrades][5]. Among this group studied by Wildfire:
* People talking about this metrics grew 67 percent;
* Likes per brand post increased by 60 percent; and
* Comments per brand post increased by 40 percent.
Pages with one to ten million fans had [mixed results][4]:
* People talking about this metrics rose by nearly 29 percent;
* Likes per brand post increased by about 14 percent, and
* Comments per brand post decreased by about 17 percent.
Interestingly, brands with more than 10 million fans saw decreases on all three of the [aforementioned][6] points, which would seem to require investments in advertising to offset -- that would explain a lot of the other phenomena becoming available with the launch of timeline on pages.
Wildfire believes these numbers have to do with the fact that pages having over ten million fans participated in the earliest launch of [timeline on pages][7], although we don't understand how that explains the drops. These are declines of 13.72 percent in talking about this metrics, 11.57 in likes per brand post and 16.72 percent in comments per brand post.
Photos and videos have gotten above average engagement even before the upgrade to timeline, yet now images both still and moving get more comments than other types of content -- this seems a logical result of giving wider spaces to pictures. Imagery gets more comments in timeline than any other type of material, and videos are the most reshared.
Pinned posts outperform other types of posts, generating 39 percent more likes, six percent more comments and 32 percent more shares than unpinned items. Photos get the biggest boost from pinning, generating 44 percent more likes, three percent more comments and 63 percent more shares than unpinned images.
Readers, what insights do these numbers give you into how best to work timeline?
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[1]: (likes)
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