Saturday, March 31, 2012

Hidden Chronicles Peasant Barn: Our guide to finding every item


The fourth (and almost final) scene in [Hidden Chronicles][2]' Napoleonic Complex chapter is called Peasant Barn, and it's named appropriately. You'll be surrounded by farm equipment and other items that you'd likely find out in the back countryside, and you'll need to look at all of the scene's different layers to find everything you're looking for. Luckily, we're here with a guide to get you started on finding this scene's many items, so let's get started!

Note: The items you'll receive will just be a selection of all of those pictured below. If you're looking to find a particular item: Hit Ctrl +F (or Command + F if on a Mac) and type in the name of the object you're looking for. This will take you directly to its image.

Super Clue

* Patch Stone Wall (Drag Stone to Hole in Wall; Drag Spatula to Hole in Wall)

Set 1:

* Well
* Saddle
* Rocking Chair
* Hay Bale
* Oil Lamp
* Barrel

Set 2:

* Wooden Chest
* Wheelbarrow
* Cow
* Bag of Beans

Set 3:

* Owl
* Pig
* Branding Iron
* Sapling
* Wagon

Set 4:

* Primitive Staples
* Rake
* Animal Bones
* Sickle

Set 5:

* Patched Roof
* Ox
* Cork
* Collie

Set 6:

* Oil Canister
* Wheat
* Metal Bucket

Set 7:

* Handsaw
* Rooster
* Lawn Mower

Set 8:

* Folded Clothes
* German Shepherd
* Hand Bellows

There are still more items not pictured above, as the game generates each set of items randomly. We'll make sure to update this space as we find more items in this Peasant Barn scene, so keep checking back with us!

**[Check out the rest of our Hidden Chronicles Cheats and Tips right here.][3]

What do you think of this Peasant Barn scene? Sound off in the comments.**

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