We're talking B-movie beasts like Mega Python, Sharktopus and more. Syfy Monster Island throws players deep into the jungles of--where else?--Monster Island to rescue a stranded team of researchers ... or something like that. At any rate, it's your job to bring the hurt to the baddies and capture the big ones for study (and harvest) in your Monster Sanctuary. Monster Island presents players with numerous quests to guide their trek into the heart of the island to capture every last monster.
Players can compete or collaborate with fellow monster hunters to ultimately discover the various monsters' origins. Along the way, would-be monster hunters will find powerful new weapons and items to use in the game's turn-based, role-playing game-style combat system. However, players will soon find that they can craft weapons of their own to bring the pain.
Based on our first time experience with the game, Syfy Monster Island doesn't seem like the most inspired branded Facebook game out there when it comes to play hooks. However, the game does capture that B-movie feel well with its "so serious it's silly" soundtrack. That said, Syfy Monster Island sports both some slick graphics and plenty of cheesiness to eek out a few laughs.
[ Click here to play Syfy Monster Island on Facebook Now >][5]
**Are you a fan of Syfy's Saturday Original Movies? What do you think of this branded social game, and other games of the sort, for that matter? Sound off in the comments. [Add Comment.][6]**
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