Monday, April 30, 2012

Oprah launches do-gooder Thank You Game on Facebook


Oprah officially conquers all forms of media with a new game on Facebook called The Thank You Game.

The game, created by author and game maker Jane McGonigal, works something like this: Every day log into the Thank You Game's Facebook page and check out the Daily Challenge section for suggestions on who to thank. Today's challenge, for example, is 'Say thank you to someone you love."

Once you do the deed, hit the big pink 'I Said Thank You' button, which will then ask for you to enter your name and email address. Then you're given the option to send extra thank yous to friends via their Facebook pages. The goal of the game is to 'Reach everyone in the US and Canada... and another 153 million people worldwide. That's half a billion people in total."

Below is a video of McGonigal and her twin sister discussing the science behind this game, i.e. how actively expressing gratitude will make you healthy, wealthy and wise.

If you find that this whole thing has made you vomit in your mouth a little, you're probably not alone. But, what the hell, why not try it anyway? If you don't want to give Oprah your email address, just make one up. It's all scientifically proven to do you some good, and only a jerk would argue with that.

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