Fans of [Jetpack Joyride][2] have been waiting for [over a month][3] for the latest update to hit Halfbrick's insanely popular freemium mobile game, but the wait is finally over, as Version 1.3 is now available to download on your iPhone or iPad, allowing the highly anticipated "Gadgets" feature to finally see the light of day. There are five new sets of gadgets in all, with each being unlocked with anywhere from 2,000 - 6,500 coins, but their exact purposes might be a bit confusing at first glance. That being the case, we're here with an explanation for all of Barry Steakfries' new toys.
**Sector 1: Research and Development**
* **Air Barrys** - 3,500 coins - These shoes will allow you to boost Barry off of the ground and into the middle of the screen much more quickly than a jetpack would allow you to rise alone. They are incredibly appropriate when trying to dodge an incoming missile at the bottom of the screen, or to quickly jump up and grab a free spin token or power-up.
* **Nerd Repellent** - 2,000 coins - This removes all scientists from the game, and replaces them with bouncing tumbleweeds. Spiderwebs also appear on the walls. Make sure to remove this gadget if trying to complete missions that as you to "high five scientists."
* **Insta-Ball** - 4,000 coins - When you lose a game, this bouncy ball will surround Barry and allow you to bounce along for a few extra meters to increase your score. This can only be used once per game.
Sector 2: Fringe Science
* **Gravity Belt** - 5,000 coins - This causes Barry to fall back to the bottom of the screen much faster than he would normally.
* **Missile Jammer** - 5,000 coins - This gadget removes the threats of missiles by causing them to turn into a poof of smoke at the last second.
* **Token Gift** - 5,000 coins - This gadget causes a spin token to appear at the beginning of each game, which can be collected without having to worry about obstacles blocking your path.
**Sector 3: Pseudoscience Action Group
* **Freeze-O-Matic **- 3,000 coins - When you lose a game, Barry becomes encased in a block of ice that slides along the ground, adding extra meters to your score. This gadget can only be used once per game.
* **X-Ray Specs** - 4,500 coins - This passive ability allows you to see which vehicles (Profit Bird, Mr. Cuddles, etc.) are contained inside power-ups, and also allows you to see through the scientists' clothing (don't worry, it's all very PG).
* **Gemology** - Turns some gold coins into red gems, which are worth many more gold coins. This is incredibly useful when challenged with a mission that asks you to collect a certain number of coins.
**Sector 4: Futureologist Lounge
* **Ezy-Doge Missiles** - 5,500 coins - Missiles will travel much more slowly across the screen.
* **Magnetic Tokens** - 4,500 coins - Spin tokens will travel towards Barry, greatly reducing the amount of effort you'll need to expend to pick them up.
* **Flying Pig** - 6,000 coins - Flying piggy banks will appear on the screen, heading in the same direction as Barry. Touching them breaks them open, causing coins to randomly scatter on the screen. You'll know you're approaching one when you see a small trail of coins appear on the bottom of the screen.
**Sector 5: Testing Zone
* **Free Ride** - 5,000 coins - This gadget causes you to start the game in a random vehicle power-up, like the Profit Bird, Bad As Hog, etc.
* **Coin Magnet** - 6,000 coins - This turns Barry in to a coin magnet, with an area of effect that is much smaller than those on magnetized vehicle power-ups.
* **Lucky Last** - 5,500 coins - This gadget causes your final spin token in every game grant you an automatic random prize. You'll only receive one of these guaranteed prizes per game, regardless of how many coins you've collected along the way.
You'll need to purchase each power-up individually, and will unlock each Sector one after another. That is, you can't immediately purchase the Coin Magnet upgrade, but will instead need to purchase Gadgets from each of the above sectors before you'll unlock it. Additionally, you can only have two Gadgets active at once, but they can be any combination of those listed above.
Needless to say, if you've deleted Jetpack Joyride from your device in the past, the new gadgets available in Version 1.3 are more than enough reason to re-download the game, and even give it a permanent place on your iPhone or iPad. There are Gadgets for most every scenario you could find yourself in while playing (especially if you're trying to complete missions), so make sure to try them all and find the ones that work best for you.
][4]**[Click here to download Jetpack Joyride Version 1.3 on iTunes --->][4]
Have you downloaded Version 1.3 of Jetpack Joyride on iTunes? Which of these Gadgets is your favorite thus far? Sound off in the comments.**
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[1]: http://o.aolcdn.com/dims/GAME/5/168/168/100/http://www.blogcdn.com/blog.games.com/media/2012/04/jj-screenshot-2-iphone.jpeg
[2]: http://blog.games.com/tag/jetpack+joyride/
[3]: http://blog.games.com/2012/03/06/jetpack-joyride-gadgets-update/
[4]: http://itunes.apple.com/ca/app/jetpack-joyride/id457446957?mt=8
[5]: http://blog.games.com/2012/04/26/jetpack-joyride-gadgets-update-guide/ (Permanent link to this entry)
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[7]: http://www.technorati.com/cosmos/search.html?rank=&fc=1&url=http://blog.games.com/2012/04/26/jetpack-joyride-gadgets-update-guide/ (Linking Blogs)
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