Life out on the pioneer is tough enough, but when someone comes down with an illness, it becomes even worse! That's what's happened in [Pioneer Trail][2] this week, as one of your in-game children has caught poison ivy and you'll need to help Granny find the ingredients for her "healing salve." This comes via a new series of goals which also introduces a new animal and two new crops to the game. Here's how to finish these goals and heal your child's itchy situation!
**Tending to Adventure**
* Clear 8 Wildflowers
* Tend 20 Geese on your Homestead
* Click on the Family Outing Menu
The Family Outing Menu is found within Hidden Meadow, which is located at the bottom of your Homestead, but outside the Homestead's limits (similar to how so many features show up along the right-hand side of your land). For completing this first goal, you'll receive 200 coins, 200 XP and a Hidden Meadow Map. This map and other Hidden Meadow specific prizes are used later in this event within the Hidden Meadow itself.
**Winging It**
* Find and Heal an Injured Baby Hawk
* Sell 15 Adult Goats
* Finish Phase 1 of the Hidden Meadow
The Baby Hawks can be found by tending to items on your Homestead, and can be healed by asking your friends for Baby Bird Feed (that's earned by posting a general news post on your wall). The hidden meadow itself is a complex building project of sorts, asking you to not only ask your friends for items, but also craft others. For instance, one stage has you collecting six Walking Sticks and four Hiking Boots from friends, while crafting three Jungle Machetes, tending Orange Trees for Orange Slice and using your Hidden Meadow Maps to finish it off, as seen below.
For completing this second goal, you'll earn 400 coins, 400 XP and a Hidden Trail Marker.
**A Bridge Over Troubled Waters**
* Ask friends for 10 Bridge Builder Kits
* Harvest 25 Marigolds
* Finish Phase 2 of the Hidden Meadow
Rewards: 600 XP, Baby Black Bear, Repaired Bridge
**The Hidden Meadow**
* Collect 25 Small Honeycombs
* Harvest 35 Aloe Vera
* Finish Phase 3 of the Hidden Meadow
Small Honeycombs drop when tending Baby Black Bears, a new animal to the game. You'll earn 800 XP, 800 coins and a Healthy Kid (an actual item used in the final phase of the Hidden Meadow) for completing this goal.
A Night to Remember**
* Harvest 65 Cotton on your Homestead
* Harvest 60 Cocoa Trees
* Finish Phase 4 of the Hidden Meadow
Rewards: 1,000 XP, 1,000 coins, Family Bonfire decoration
Even after you've finished this goal set, you should still be able to send and receive seeds for Marigolds and Aloe Vera from the game's free gifts page. There doesn't appear to be a time limit on these goals just yet, but we'll make sure to let you know if that changes in the future.
**What do you think of this poison-ivy inspired event in Pioneer Trail? Are the rewards worth making your way into the Hidden Meadow? Sound off in the comments.**
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