![][1] While most new buildings are released in [CastleVille][2] via expansive quest series, a new building has been added to the game's store on its own this week; specifically, it has launched in the "Royal" section of the marketplace. It's the Royal Bell Tower, and it costs 90,000 coins to place in your Kingdom.
Not to be confused with the Clock Tower, which has a larger base (and costs 40,000 more coins to purchase), this Royal Bell Tower is a rather slender, tall structure that offers 280 Castle Points to your kingdom once built, and can be "taxed" for 1,900 coins each time you do so. Building the Royal Bell Tower starts with item collection to complete its base. You'll need the following objects, most of which you might have on hand already:
* 10 Stone Blocks
* 9 Gold Bricks
* 5 Steel Bars
* 6 Granite Blocks
While the first three items can be crafted in your Workshops, the Granite Blocks must be earned by asking your friends to send them to you via a general news post on your (or, you can purchase them with Crowns if you'd rather not wait). Either way, the simple fact that this building _isn't_ necessary to complete any of the recently released quests in the game gives you plenty of breathing room if you do decide to take your time at gathering this many materials.
**Will you build a Royal Bell Tower in your kingdom in CastleVille, or will you wait until the game asks you to construct one for a quest to actually do so? Sound off in the comments.**
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