Saturday, April 28, 2012

Disney Animal Kingdom Explorers Toy Store: Everything you need to know


The third scene in Chapter 4 of [Disney Animal Kingdom Explorers][2] is called Toy Store, and it's an interesting combination of finding regular items and actual animals. That is, you'll still be finding tons of animals hidden on the toy store's shelves, but they're in the form of stuffed animals and other toys! Even though these animals aren't really "alive," you can still use the animal specific hints for a clue as to their appearance, or you can just follow along with our guide as we work to show you the locations of this scene's many, many items. Let's get started!

Note: The items you'll receive will just be a selection of all of those pictured below. If you're looking to find a particular item: Hit Ctrl +F (or Command + F if on a Mac) and type in the name of the object you're looking for. This will take you directly to its image.

Set 1:

* Tiger
* Giraffe
* Butterfly
* Cardinal
* Camel
* Fawn

Set 2:

* Flying Squirrel
* Raccoon
* Red Fox
* Peacock
* Beaver
* Lion

Set 3:

* Elephant
* Jackrabbit
* Zebra
* Yellow-horned Moose
* Pull Toy
* Mallard Duck

Set 4:

* Brown-Horned Moose
* Penguin
* Black Bear
* Cheetah
* Bald Eagle
* Airplane

Set 5:

* Polar Bear
* Snowshoe Hare
* Beach Ball
* Cat
* Cow
* Golden Tamarin

Set 6:

* Turtle
* Soldier
* Bison
* Wolf
* T-Rex
* Grizzly Bear

Set 7:

* Mountain Goat
* Sheep
* Owl
* Black Monkey
* Rocking Horse

There are still a few items not pictured above, as the game generates each set of hidden object randomly each time you play the scene. We'll make sure to keep playing this scene and will update this space as we find more items to help you out.
][3]**[Check out the rest of our Disney Animal Kingdom Explorers cheats and tips right here.][3]

What do you think of this Toy Store scene? Do you think it's a clever combination of animals and regular objects? Sound off in the comments.**

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