_Click the image to make it larger. _
After a four-months long hiatus, we thought he was gone for good, but one of our favorite [FarmVille][3] players, [Brayzdin][4], made a startling reentry to the Zynga forums. Reserving his spot on the second page of this week's official Farm of the Week [thread][5], Brayzdin left a teaser "Coming Soon" image (see below). Today, this was finally removed to reveal a ginormous, crouching, winged purple dragon. Just look at those dragon deltoids and rhomboids and you can tell this is a tough monster! It's obvious Brayzdin keeps trying to outdo himself and the fun is how he keeps succeeding.
While not the [first dragon][6] Brayzdin's ever created, this one is wholly different, with a thinner body, a pink underbelly, and orange wings. The setting is also different, where instead of green valley, this new dragon is perched on a tall cliff surrounded by water. You can see his left leg in the water and the small waves lapping around it because Brayzdin put little white hay bales to represent a splash of sea foam. That's when you notice the dragon's hand reaching to pinch the [FarmVille Biplane][7] to the right. You can tell that aside from being an amazing stickler for details, Brayzdin sure knows how to make a scene.
** What do you think of Brayzdin's latest masterpiece? Sound off in the comments.** **[Add Comment][8]**
_If you have an AWESOME FarmVille farm that you want to see featured on Games.com, please email a picture to _**_editors@games.com_**_, Include a few words about the inspiration for your design and maybe a few tips for people who need an assist!_
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[1]: http://o.aolcdn.com/dims/GAME/5/168/168/100/http://www.blogcdn.com/blog.games.com/media/2012/04/farmville-brayzdin-purple-dragon.png
[2]: http://www.blogcdn.com/blog.games.com/media/2012/04/farmville-brayzdin-purple-dragon.jpg
[3]: http://blog.games.com/category/farmville
[4]: http://blog.games.com/tag/brayzdin/
[5]: http://forums.zynga.com/showthread.php?1438602-FarmVille-Farm-of-The-Week-4-23-12&p=11807673#post11807673
[6]: http://blog.games.com/2011/08/15/farmville-brayzden-featured-dragon-farm/
[7]: http://blog.games.com/2010/06/04/farmville-biplane-everything-you-need-to-know/
[8]: http://blog.games.com/2012/04/26/farmville-pic-of-the-day-brayzdin-purple-dragon/#disqus_thread
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