Wednesday, April 25, 2012

CastleVille Renaissance Man Quests: Everything you need to know


After the launch of Workshop and Kitchen recipe mastery in [CastleVille][2], we've finally been given the ability to master recipes in the Studios of our Kingdom, but we'll have to complete a few quests in order to actually unlock that ability. You see, a "Renaissance Man" by the name of Giovanni is about to arrive on your Kingdom, and he'll bring you this new feature through a quest set of the same name. Here's a guide to finishing this feature off!


* Place the Thumper on the Ground
* Move 2 Items
* Visit 1 Neighbor

Giovanni's apparently underground, and you'll use the Thumper to guide him out. You'll be given it for free by completing this quest. For finishing this quest, you'll earn 1,000 coins and 20 XP.


* Click on the Thumper
* Click on the Thumper again

Rewards: 1,000 coins and 20 XP

**Art vs Gloom**

* Craft 2 Ice Cream
* Have a Studio
* Have 3 Brain Food

The Brain Food can be earned by posting a general news post on your wall. The Ice Cream can be crafted in the Kitchen. For finishing this quest, you'll receive 1,000 coins and 20 XP.

**Grub Hunt**

* Build Giovanni's House
* Craft 3 Green Fairy Elixirs
* Clear 5 Dead Logs

Giovanni's house is crafted using 10 Stone Blocks, 10 Wood Planks and 6 Flaxseed Oil. For completing this quest, you'll earn 1,750 coins, 35 XP and Giovanni's Easel.

Design, Style and Grace**

* Craft 3 Green Fairy Elixirs
* Use 3 Hypercrafts
* Purchase and Construct the Glassblower

The Glassblower is a new building that can be constructed using 10 Sand, six Bellows, six Lightning in a Jars and one Workbench. You can earn the Sand and Bellows by asking your friends to send them to you, while the Workbench must be crafted. Finally, you can ask your friends to send you Lightning in a Jar via a general news post on your wall. For completing this quest, you'll receive 1,750 coins, 35 XP and an Astrolabe.

Tinkerer's Block**

* Have 6 Sheet Music
* Craft Enough Green Fairy Elixir to Reach Mastery Level 1
* Collect from Logging Camps 2 Times

The Sheet Music is earned through a general news post on your wall. You'll earn 1,500 coins, 30 XP and three Dead Logs for finishing this quest.

**A Thief and the Knight**

* Banish 2 Gloom Thieves
* Collect Taxes from 12 Houses
* Have 3 Collection Boxes

Collection Boxes can be crafted in your Workshop, or you can purchase them with Reputation Hearts in the store. They contain random amounts of coins, so they will be worthwhile in the long run. You'll receive 1,500 coins, 30 XP and a Tinkerer's Table decoration for completing this quest.

**Idea Man**

* Have 6 Thick Books
* Spend 80,000 coins
* Water 7 Saplings

The 80,000 coins can be spent on anything, so long as they are actually spent after you receive this quest and not before. You'll earn 1,750 coins and 35 XP.

**Fish Gazer**

* Go Fishing 3 Times
* Craft 1 Infinity Fish Bowl
* Tend 2 Flowers

Rewards: 3,250 coins and 65 XP

**Grand Design**

* Reach Mastery Level 1 of 3 Studio Recipes
* Have 2 Studios in your Kingdom
* Spend 42 Reputation Points

Rewards: 3,250, 65 XP and a Confounding Contraption

These quests don't have a time limit, so take your time deciding which of the recipes to master based on your own Kingdom and your own inventory of supplies. Good luck!

[Via and image credit [Zynga][3]]

**What do you think of Giovanni and his eccentric ways? Sound off in the comments.**

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