Thursday, August 16, 2012

The Sims Social 'The Sim Who Loved Me' Quest: How to finish it fast


Don't look now, but there are suddenly a lot of Sims in suits and dark glasses muttering into their ear-pieces. Something is up in Littlehaven and you get to be a part of it in this week's quest. Complete "The Sim Who Loved Me" quest series for Spy Week and you'll score a beautiful new Sealox Luxury Yacht! Here are tips on how to finish this quest right from The Sims Social team at Playfish:

**The Sim Who Loved Me Part 1**

* 'Check Blueprints' 3 times
* Get your Sealox Luxury yacht

Aquatic espionage is an important endeavour for any spy. Luckily, you've have your very own yacht at your disposal! Unfortunately, it does need a little work. Find out what work it needs by clicking on a computer and then 'Check Blueprints' three times. Then click the "Locations" button at the bottom right of the screen and go to your Vacation Home in Littlehaven Shores--you _do have one_, don't you? If not, you can unlock a Vacation home by reaching that level. Now, take your yacht out of the shop and put it on the water! Rewards: 10 Life points, 50 Simoleons, 2 Energy, XP

**The Sim Who Loved Me Part 2**

* Spend 3,000 simoleons on a disguise
* Ask another Sim if they recognize you

What kind of spy would you be without a disguise? Buy 3,000 Simoleons worth of clothes (maybe some that you'd normally never wear--some inconspicuous). Test out your disguise by visiting other Sims or asking them over, clicking on them, and then asking, 'Recognize Me?' Rewards: 10 Life points, 70 Simoleons, 20 Social points, XP

**The Sim Who Loved Me Part 3**

* Complete Stage 1 of the Sealox Luxury Yacht!
* 'Hack For Blueprints'
* Have 1 Passion

Having a yacht is a lot of fun, but your yacht will need a lot of TLC before she's in ship-shape! Click on a computer to 'Hack For Blueprints'. And now spy can be successful without Passion. If you're finding it hard to muster up enough energy (after all that building), post a feed asking your friends to send you some. Rewards: 10 Life points, 100 Simoleons, 30 Social points, XP

**The Sim Who Loved Me Part 4**

* 'Step Out Alluringly' 3 times
* 'Practice Swimming' 3 times
* Have 5 Chrome

Spying isn't just about getting our hands on wrenches. There's glamour and allure too! To be a genuine spy, you need to practice being suave and sophisticated. Head to a pool - your own or Bella's (check her Vacation Home)--to clean off _and_ perfect your signature spy moves. 'Step out Alluringly' and 'Practice Swimming' 3 times each. Rewards: 15 Life points, 120 Simoleons, 3 Energy, XP

**The Sim Who Loved Me Part 5**

* 'Eavesdrop' on 3 Sims
* Have 6 Bling
* 'Check Passport' for 6 Sims

Now it's time to get cracking on some _real_ spy stuff! Sneak around other Sims' homes, click on garden plots, and "Eavesdrop" on unsuspecting Sims! Check out their bookshelves too for passports to make sure they really are who they say they are. If you get caught, throw some Bling at them as a distraction! Six Bling should be enough but if you don't have any, you can always ask your friends to send you some. Rewards: 15 Life points, 150 Simoleons, 40 Social points, XP

**The Sim Who Loved Me Part 6**

* Complete the 2nd stage of your Yacht
* Show off your yacht 3 times
* Get 6 endorsements from your friends

Well, that was fun! It's time to finish off your Sealox Luxury Yacht! Build the second stage and then 'Show Off Your Yacht' 3 times to Sims you've asked over. Next, post a wall feed and ask your friends for endorsements (because, believe it or not, your Sim's been training to join the Sim Intelligence Agency). Congratulations! You've completed the quest and kept Littlehaven safe. Enjoy taking your new Yacht for a spin! Rewards: 10 Life points, 150 Simoleons, XP

**Collectibles You'll Need This Week**:
Sealox Luxury Yatch, Admiration (8), Armbands (10), Bling (8), Bottle of Chlorine (8), Chrome (28), Cloth (10), Dreams (14), Driftwood (15), Duster (4), Entertainment (8), Flippers (10), Fruits (9), Glass (3), Goodwill (10), Hammer (5), Herbs (2), Hose (8), Love (8), Muse (6), Nails (12), Orchids (13), Paint (4), Paintbrush (4), Palm Leaf (4), Peach (9), Planks (10), Planks (17), Pool Net (6), Power Drill (4), Relaxation (8), Resin (24), Rubber ring (10), Saw (2), Screws (12), Soft Pillow (8), Solid Wood (13), Steel (18), Swimming Goggles (6), Varnish (21), Water (6), Wrench (5)

**Have some tips of your own for this quest series? Then share with us in the comments. [Add Comment.][2]**

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