Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Hum-a-Song will mix Draw Something with Song Pop on iOS this month

![][1] After the success of [Draw Something][2] and [Song Pop][3] on both iOS and Facebook, it only makes sense that we'd see more mobile games released that combine asynchronous multiplayer, trivia and music. Such is the case with Hum-a-Song, a new game from Hibernum Creations that will launch on iPhone and iPad later this month (or even early September).

Hum-a-Song will see players challenging random strangers and friends alike in a twist on "Name that Tune," as they choose a genre and a song (pulled straight from iTunes) and must hum or whistle a portion of that song into the game so that it can be sent to the other player. As you might have guessed, the other player is then challenged to correctly identify the song that was hummed or whistled using a few scrambled words as clues. For instance, if someone was humming _Stairway to Heaven_, the words "stairway," "to," and "heaven" would be available at the bottom of the screen, surrounded by a multitude of wrong words like "joy," "smoke," or "happy."

The more rounds that are completed correctly, the more coins you'll earn along the way, which can be spent on additional song points, hints and more. These packs will also be available to purchase with real cash, but the main game will be free to download and play. Stay tuned for more on Hum-a-Song as we get closer to launch.

**Are you excited to try Hum-a-Song when it launches later this year, or do you already have enough song/trivia games to last you quite some time? Sound off in the comments!**

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