Esteemed guests, welcome to [Hotel City][2]--err, sorry, we mean Hotel Transylvania. [Sony][3] Pictures Interactive has launched its first Facebook game ever, lazily titled [The Hotel Transylvania Social Game][4]. Of course, the game is designed to build hype for the company's upcoming animated flick, Hotel Transylvania, though it seems to take some cues from the hotel simulators of old.
In The Hotel Transylvania Social Game, players build, manage, decorate and maintain their very own Hotel Transylvania. In order to staff the join, you'll have to "grow" zombies in the backyard, and entertain guests with "torturous amenities," a release reads. And while most branded social games are created by developers for hire, this was crafted entirely in house by Sony's new studio.
"Our goal was to build a game that is fun to play while taking advantage of the full range of social tie-ins that experienced gamers expect from social games," Sony Pictures Interactive senior VP of production Scott Nourse said. "We are proud of our achievement in that regard and are excited about the framework we have built which will enable us to build more games in the future."
Sony has made a major branding play for Hotel Transylvania with not just this, but a [PlayFirst][5]-developed iOS game, [Hotel Transylvania Dash][6] based on its hit Diner Dash franchise. The company has big plans for its social game studio, with ambitions of pumping out one to two social games annually and its next project debuting in April 2013. We [_wonder_ what that could be][7].
[Click here to play The Hotel Transylvania Social Game on Facebook Now >][8]
**Are you excited by Sony's move into home-grown Facebook games? How do you think this game will do? Sound off in the comments. [Add Comment.][9]**
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[1]: http://o.aolcdn.com/dims/GAME/5/168/168/100/http://www.blogcdn.com/blog.games.com/media/2012/08/5996281823084185697021004777644n.jpg
[2]: http://blog.games.com/tag/hotel+city
[3]: http://blog.games.com/tag/sony
[4]: https://www.facebook.com/HotelTGame
[5]: https://blog.games.com/tag/playfirst
[6]: http://blog.games.com/2012/07/18/hotel-transylvania-dash-iphone-ipad/
[7]: http://www.speexhibitorworldwide.com/movies/evil-dead/
[8]: https://apps.facebook.com/hoteltgame/
[9]: http://blog.games.com/2012/08/16/hotel-transylvania-facebook-game/#disqus_thread
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