Thursday, May 31, 2012

MargaritaVille Online goes offline in new iPad update


While mobile gaming can provide some incredibly fun experiences, regardless of the genre, many games rely on a constant internet connection to play, limiting the amount of time you can get your game on when playing on a wifi-only device like some versions of the iPad. If [MargaritaVille Online][2] is one of the major games in your iPad gaming catalog, you can now kiss the internet requirement goodbye, as an offline mode is now available to access via a new update on iTunes.

Unfortunately, if you're already made progress in the game on Facebook, playing in the offline mode will require that you start from scratch (since you won't connect to Facebook and therefore can't pull in your Facebook/online iPad game progress), but you will be able to earn achievements via Game Center and climb the game's leaderboards as well. Likewise, you won't be able to take your offline progress onto Facebook if you eventually decide to go online with the game, so you'll need to make sure that ditching the internet connection is what you want in the long run.

Still, this update offers players a chance to experience MargaritaVille Online on the go, even if they only wish to play the game's many mini-games on a secondary account when they're on a road trip, at a friends' house, etc. before heading back online once they regain access to the internet. The offline mode update for MargaritaVille Online can now be downloaded for free on iTunes.
Are you excited to see MargaritaVille Online now available to play even when not connected to the internet? Would you play other mobile games if they didn't rely on a constant internet connection? Sound off in the comments.**

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