Wednesday, February 29, 2012

FarmVille Hawaiian Paradise Items: Candle Nut Tree, Hibiscus Fence and more

![][1] [FarmVille][2]'s [Hawaiian Paradise][3] limited edition item theme has grown this week, with additional items being available across all of our farms, rather than being exclusive to the game's newest farm. This update includes new trees, animals and more, but if you don't have a lot of Coconuts (let's face it, they're pretty hard to earn at first), you might have to resort to spending Farm Cash on them if you're determined to have them on your newest farm. Here's a complete look at the new items in the store, which will be available for the next two weeks.

Kamani Nut Tree - 6 Farm Cash
Candle Nut Tree - 7,000 Coconuts


Aloha Cat - 12 Farm Cash
Princess Horse - 26 Farm Cash
Hibiscus Ram - 16 Farm Cash
White Fronted Goose - 12 Farm Cash
Masked Booby - 9,000 Coconuts
Hawaiian Moorhen - 12,500 Coconuts
Lionfish - 10,000 Coconuts


Hawaiian Manor - 25 Farm Cash


Ukulele Gnome - 12 Farm Cash
Orchid Fountain - 10 Farm Cash
Palm Tree Island - 5,000 Coconuts
Hibiscus Fence - 50 Coconuts
Avatar Clothing**

Hawaii Shirt I - 2 Farm Cash
Hawaii Shirt II - 100,000 coins
Hawaii Shirt III - 2 Farm Cash

The FarmVille Hawaiian Paradise theme is likely to continue growing by leaps and bounds over the next few days and weeks, especially as more users gain access to the Hawaiian Paradise farm via free tickets (coming soon). We'll make sure to keep track of this theme, and will let you know when additional items launch in the store so you don't miss out. Keep checking back with us!

[**Check out the rest of our Hawaiian Paradise coverage right here.**][3]

**What do you think of these newest Hawaiian Paradise items? Will you save up Coconuts to buy these items, or will you splurge on them with Farm Cash instead? Sound off in the comments.**

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